A path to new adventures, the first official mission after receiving the Goverment Agreement to work as NGO. While one of us was surfing on the net, a video on YouTube caught his attention and was shared with the rest of the group. This video illustrated the precariousness of life experienced by the population of the KIGARAMANGO site, a site that housed the displaced people of GATUMBA whose houses had been flooded following the torrential rains and the rising waters of the RUSIZI River.
The site hosted more than 6 300 people (adults and children) living in 1314 tents. Children were suffering from dysentery and various infections and wounds as a result of this precarious life. They had no means to pay the hospital. And if it was an appeal to this population, or if it was a good start to a humanitarian intervention that was really worthwhile, could we make it? So many questions, but one thing was certain, these people needed a minimum of medical care.
All we had was our knowledge of medicine, our small medical equipment and a lot of willpower. We decided to go, we met the responsible of the site and He promised us to use the big tent which was intalled inside the site for support purpose. While looking for the necessary equipment to set up there, we had some medicines received from a pastor who should have contributed to a medical mission of his church but which had not taken place.
We felt ourselves growing wings, we went proudly, with our heads held high, ready to extend our hand. We treated and gave medicine for free for several hours a day. Neither the heat of our tent, nor thirst, nor hunger could get the better of us.
This was the beginning of many encouragements. Another doctor’s association had an ultrasound machine and there was a possibility that they would lend it to us. In our tent we did not have an examination bed, we asked for a mat and that was it. Obstetrical ultrasounds on the floor.
A Muslim man was keen to give milk to the displaced people, so he asked us to take care of it. He brought several cartons of milk and we were happy to give them to the malnourished children. Children were coming in our tent thrice a week to have their cup of milk for several weeks.
God didn’t stop to provide. In a certain day we were contacted by another organisation and they want to donate on our work. They asked us if we could distribute jerry cans, soaps, pots and pans and uniforms, and what we can need more. Obviously, we said: < MEDICINES> and we did a list of essential drugs we were using the most. Medicines were provided and delivered medicines to us several times.
Jerry cans, soaps, pots and pans and uniforms were distrubuted to every households in the site.
On the night of Dec. 30, 2021, the tent we were working in fell down due to a storm. Our medicines and equipment were damaged.
Site de Kigaramango : cinq minutes pour comprendre la détresse des déplacés – Jimbere